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Sunday, September 13, 2009


If You Convert You Die By: Nonie Darwish | Monday, August 03, 2009

Very few people in the West know what is going on inside the Muslim world and what it portends for them. The fact is that through the dominant media, such as CNN, Americans are subjected to much of the same misinformation with regard to Islam that I grew up with inside the Muslim world. The result is that Americans are in the dark attempting to formulate their strategy of how to defend themselves against the threat of terror, domestic jihad and Sharia. While Americans get ridiculed for being “Islamophobes,” the Muslim world itself is undergoing a huge and painful awakening.

For instance, a prominent Egyptian lawyer and women’s rights activist, Nagla Al Imam, recently announced her conversion to Christianity in Cairo, Egypt. The announcement brought shock waves in and beyond Egypt. This is perhaps the first case ever of its kind, where a Muslim woman, who is also a Sharia expert, has openly challenged Islamic apostasy laws from within the Muslim world.

Ms. Al Imam’s incredible courage was on display in an internet chat room, where she announced that she is not afraid, will stand up for the human rights of apostates and refuses to leave her homeland, Egypt. This was immediately followed by attacks and calls (‘fatwas’) for death of the 36 year-old graduate of Al Azhar Islamic University.

Egyptian media not only reported the threat but also participated in the attacks. Ms. Al Imam was literally entrapped by a TV station ‘Al Mihwar’ with the pretext of inviting her for an interview. Upon arrival to the TV studio she was told the show she was to appear on was cancelled. She was then taken forcibly to a room where she was held against her will for hours inside the studio. She was assaulted, threatened and insulted by several people. She was able to escape, and went to her internet chat room telling the world what happened and said she will demand protection from the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

Such action is common not only against apostates but anyone who deviates from the dictates of Islam or demands reform. Many Muslim journalists, intellectuals and feminists who consider themselves Muslims but are critical of Sharia are often intimidated, threatened or even killed for the slightest independent views using the apostasy card to keep them quiet.

Another recent case in Egypt is that of a brilliant intellectual by the name of Sayed Mahmoud El Qemany. He was recently accused of apostasy even though he denied it on TV and insisted he is still a Muslim. But fatwas of death were immediately issued against him. Mr. El Qemany recently wrote the following:

“I was granted the State Award for Social Sciences, on June 25th 2009. The hard-line radical militant groups considered that the state has adopted this intellectual secular trend

officially, infuriating the mentioned group which called on the State to withdraw the prize with the declaration of my defection from Islam and excommunication which means in our country, I could be slain; any citizen is allowed to kill me and be awarded by God in Paradise. The following parties have participated in the statements of atonement:

1 - Al-Azhar Scholars Front headed by Yahya Ismail Habloush, which issued the first statement of atonement on July 10, 2009.

2 – The Islamic Group (condemned terrorist group) issued a statement of atonement on July 10, 2009.

3 - The Muslim Brotherhood hailed the atonement, and were presented at the parliament by Hamdi Hassan requesting the withdrawal of the award and the declaration of religious-defection and excommunication on July 7, 2009. The Muslim Brotherhood also declared my excommunication on Mohwar Channel on July 11, 2009 and on Al Faraeen Channel on July 13, 2009.

4 - The Salafi (Fundamentalist) Group (condemned terrorist group) dedicated its Internet site named "The Egyptians" for excommunicating me and incitements to kill me, since the date of obtaining the prize until today.

5 – Al Nas channel, which represents the theoretical side of bloody terrorism which declared excommunication and demanded “all citizens who can” to kill me immediately, on July 24 and 25, 2009.

6 - The Hisbah Sheikh Youssef Al Badri in Egypt declared on the channel "ON TV" on July 3, 2009 that I have cursed God and the Prophet Mohammad in my books even though I have challenged him and others to refer to a single text written by me where such claims were made. Due to this proclamation, he has issued an incitement to kill me.

7 - A member of the Al-Azhar scholars, Sheikh Mohammed El Berry, on Mihwar TV Channel on July 11, 2009 announced my atonement as he also said that he did not read any of my writings since he does not read "garbage”. He repeated the same words on the channel "ON TV" on July 22, 2009.

8 - Sheikh Ali Gomaa, the former Chairman of the “State Religious Affairs Advisory Board”, issued a statement declaring my infidelity and calling for slaying me for "insulting the Prophet of Islam, the God of Islam” on July 24, 2009.

9 - The Sheiks of more than 5000 mosques on Friday prayers on July 24, 2009 declared the incitement to kill me, especially in my hometown, which led to the rampage against my family and relatives, and that could possibly evolve to some serious consequences in the coming weeks.

Due to the above, I call upon the conscience of all humanity in the free world to come to me and my children’s rescue by providing moral support and the condemnation and denunciation of the radical thinking with quick solutions to save us from the danger that is luring around us. This is a distress call to all bodies and individuals. A call to the consciences of every free individual in the world.

Signed: Sayed Mahmoud El Qemany- Researcher.”

In spite of the cover up, this is perhaps the first time in the history of Islam that Muslims finally have access to the truth about their own religion, thanks to the Internet and satellite dishes (invented by infidels). There are daily news reports of heart-broken Muslims who say they cannot believe what is written in Muslim scriptures and say that Muslims have been living under the greatest lie in human history. Others simply deny and say that it can’t be so. While Saudi Arabia is spending billions to Islamize the West, many Muslim prisoners of Islamic submission are dying or leaving the religion quietly.

The relatively few number of Muslims who dare to convert to Christianity do it in extreme secrecy. That is because the penalty for leaving Islam is death in all schools of Sharia, both Sunni and Shiite. Those who wrote Sharia centuries ago knew that keeping Muslims in total submission would be very difficult to maintain, and thus they established barbaric laws condemning Muslims to death for exercising their basic human rights to choose their own religion. Sharia never entrusted its enforcement only to the formal legal system. Islam promises heavenly rewards to individual Muslims who take the law into their own hands. Sharia also states that the killers of apostates and adulterers are not murderers and therefore are not to be punished. That is why, for Islam to achieve 100% compliance to Sharia enforcement, Muslim individuals are encouraged to take matters into their own hands.

The end result is a chaotic society where everything happens behind closed doors but at a very heavy price to interpersonal relationships. Fear and distrust of others exists in all Muslim societies. Muslims are not just distrustful of the West, but they are distrustful of one another. In Muslim society, people are often more afraid of their neighbors and family members than of the police. Thus, we see husbands or fathers pressured to apply Sharia by killing an adulterous wife or daughter, or a perfect stranger participate in the killing of an apostate in the public square. Very few get arrested or punished for such crimes across the Muslim world. The ingenious Sharia uses vigilante street justice to bring about Islamic submission. That is why civil unrest and honor crimes go wherever Islam goes. The power of Islam comes from turning Muslim against Muslim -- with a reward in heaven.

The above two examples of Islamic tyranny are not unique to Egypt, but exist in all Muslim countries. Islamic tyranny is encapsulated in a law that some Muslims claim to be their religious right in America. Many American citizens who left Islam are living in constant fear from Islamist individuals and groups right here, in the land of the free and home of the brave. I am one of them.

Nonie Darwish is an American of Arab/Muslim origin. A freelance writer and public speaker, she runs the website Her new book is Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law.

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old_nick 3 weeks ago
Since the evil doctrine espoused by the current Islamic fundamentalists has its roots in the Koran, in Mohammad's sayings (the Haddiths), and in Mohammad's actions (the Sira) it is hard to see how the moderates can rescue this religion. Islam's core contains such satanic requirements that the moderates can only appeal to the part of that religion based on a relatively corrupt culture for sustenance.
1 person liked this comment.
rocket2 4 weeks ago
Resistance to I'slamic murder for rejecting I'slam is good, but inadequate. Resistance must be to I'slam itself. It is all bad. I'slam is an evil and inhuman ideology. Ignorance and terror is the tools and dogma of this demonic belief system. It is not an "Abrahamic" religion, It is violent in intent and practice, and it can be destroyed. The may always be "Mu'slams", but we must resist the "Integration" of "I'slam".
USMCSniper 3 weeks ago
Ahhh...errrr.... I guess President Obama is on the hit list - unless of course, he has convinced the Muslims in private he is a clandestine Muslim out to destroy the "Great Satan": He seems to be succeeding in inplementing his 3rd column Jihadism strategies.
ryanXXX 3 weeks ago
The only way that the humane people of the world can fight this evil ideology that disguises itself as Islam is to give moral, physical and monetary support to authentic moderate Muslims. I have read their pieces and listened to their debates, they exist even in the depth of the most stringent, radical Islamic countries. They want to rescue their religion from Satan's own hands. They need a larger podium, they need money, they need support. They need some kind of central organization that can be contributed to in order to provide public access to their views in opposition to the maniacal and fanatic monsters who have successfully hijacked their religion. The world will surely pay for their failure, we should help pay for their success.
joynaz1 2 weeks ago
IF you want to "Support the muslims.....physcially and monetaril"y, you just go right ahead! DON'T make any such decision for the rest of "us" ("we" should help pay......"??) NOT!
PrincessMartha 3 weeks ago
So, the dogs are out. "Who let the dogs out?? t, t, t, t, t! Hah! All we have to lose is our life, all we have to gain is heaven! This phrase can be used by both ideologies with different consequences... and so the struggle continues... God Help Us!
Sandy Robinson 3 weeks ago
If You Convert You Die
Sandy Robinson 3 weeks ago
iftikhar 3 weeks ago
Muslim parents teach their children to respect their teachers. From a very young age, we are taught that Islam teaches us that after our parents, our teachers are most deserving of respect.

It must be an extremely confusing time for the Muslim parent in Leytonstone, London. For up to 30 parents may face prosecution for withdrawing their children from school, disobeying the teachers in the school, simply to secure a decent moral upbringing for their children. The school had decided to have a week of lessons about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history. Part of this was a special adaptation of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet retitled Romeo and Julian as well as fairytales and stories changed to show men falling in love with men. Rather than filling the heads of impressionable boys and girls with fatuous drivel about gay penguins, schools should be ashamed of the fact that they are sending children out into the world barely able to read, write and add up properly. Muslim children are leaving schools without learning their cultural roots and linguistic skills.

The action was being taken against the parents as part of a policy of ' promoting tolerance'. So why not tolerate parents, who, for sincerely-held reasons, consider their children too young to be taught about gay relationships? This isn't education, its cultural fascism. A record numbers of pupils persistently played truant in 2006-07, with around 272,950 pupils persistently absent in 2007, missing more than 20% of school. We rarely see councils prosecute the parents of these persistent truants. Yet, the parents who removed their children as a one-off to protect their morality may be prosecuted!

If the local council does decide to go through with a prosecution, it would be in line with the government's approach to the Muslim community. Muslims who believe homosexuality is a sin would be labelled as extremists. Liberal totalitarianism is a growing phenomenon in Britain and the west in general but many people will be shocked that the school can override a parent's view of what's appropriate or inappropriate to teach their children.

This latest episode should be a wakeup call for Muslim parents. Muslim parents MUST explain our moral standards to schools and be prepared to take steps to protect our children’s morals and values from a growing agenda to impose liberal values upon them. This is an eye opening for those Muslim parents who keep on sending their children to state schools to be mis-educated and de-educated by non-Muslim monolingual teachers.

The solution of all the problems facing Muslim children is state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Muslim teachers. Those state schools where Muslim children are in majority may be designated as Muslim community schools. Bilingual Muslim children need state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods.
Iftikhar Ahmad
M 3 weeks ago

danielhaniger 2 weeks ago
Now you know the meaning of counterfeit christians or counterfeit muslims. Both afraid to stand for the personal freedom and rights of their very own families. It makes me vomit. Killing in the name of God is present in both books (Bible and Koran) of thought...Only Jesus, the Christ, spoke of true love for one another, regardless of your religion. Are your ears burning? Or do you accept the law of Christ? Read revelations and prepare for the spiritual battle of eternity right before your eyes.
facebook-597348165 2 weeks ago
Respect, acceptance & tolerance must be practised by all cultures before we can have world peace.
HappYnez 2 weeks ago
"Respect, acceptance & tolerance must be practiced by all cultures before we can have world peace",
Well, I have no respect for Religion per se, I will not accept cruel or divisive ideologies, and I absolutely will not tolerate any sect or group which permits and encourages ANY cruelty towards ANY living part of this planet,. I am done with allowing and permitting travesties of justice in the name of anyones god,. This is a "grow-up or become extinct", moment for humanity and respecting, tolerating or accepting anything less that The Truth no longer serves us,.
Stizzy 2 weeks ago
"I absolutely will not tolerate any sect or group which permits and encourages ANY cruelty towards ANY living part of this planet."

"This is a "grow-up or become extinct", moment for humanity..."

I think you have a double standard.
matt jones 2 weeks ago
The problem with this article is that it does not show why islam is problematic, but why religion in any way, shape or form backed and intermixed with government power is an incrediably dangerous thing. this is why fundamentalist powers are so threating, because they can call upon an indoctrinated power and media to force all citizens in to submission. look at any other religion and one would find the same injustices practiced by fundamentalists- intolerance, fear mongering and media assualts. it is only because here in the United States of America, where religion is a free choice for all peoples and fundamentalists can not call for a uniform resistence to even the most base of freedoms. while muslim countries, because of such overt tyranny, easily show their colors and expose such hatred through those mediums, as conducted by the fundamentalists, in these United States, it is believied tha we are free from tyranny. while this country is, the people are not at all times as benefited. fundamentalists and radicals, such as those pushing for religious morality demand that all laws that go against God's word, or rather their interpretation of the Almighty's word should be destroyed. it is this lack of tolerance, this use of government for the pupposes of protecting religion and not the people's faith and inherent right to choose that ffaith that lead to the destructive and horrifying situations that are seen in the news, in this article and anywhere faith- and thus people are assualted by those who wishg to use it to control others.
mwilmore 2 weeks ago
I just read the article. While it is very compeling, I'm wondering, if the Nagla Al Imam is the same person written about on There is an article from 11/23/08 entitled Egypt: Uproar as Lawyer Suggests Raping Israeli Women by Marwa Rakha. That article and others when the name is googled are worth looking into.

Radical muslims are digging a grave for islam by their attacks on these converts and on the West. People are basically freedom seeking and loving. When all islam has to offer is legalism, hate and attacks on other people, who wants to be part of that in the long run? They may still spread fear for a while, but it is encouraging that people like Nagla Al Imam won't bow to these threats even if it may cost her a lot. Well done, Nagla Al Imam!
smbawa 3 days ago
This story is very similar to the one I have read at:

Making of An Unbeliever @

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